Are you looking for a new book to read with your children this month? Our new series, kid’s books reviewed and recommended by our panel of parents is a great resource. Each month, our panel of three families will read and review a kid’s book from a leading publisher. So you can decide which kid’s book to buy next.
Read what our panel thought of Errol’s Garden by Gillian Hibbs, published by Child’s Play
“What a fantastic book! I read this to my boys and they both loved it. As London kids who spent their early years in a flat, they could relate to Errol’s longing for a garden and it was so lovely to read a story which wasn’t automatically set in a house with a mummy and daddy. This is one of the first books I’ve read to the kids which showed a single dad family and we all adored the pages showing the diversity of people living in the flats through the depiction of Errol chatting to them in the lift. Indeed, the illustrations are wonderfully colourful, vibrant and engaging. Intriguing for little people and excellent in terms of encouraging vocabulary and enthusiasm over growing fresh and healthy food. As a London school teacher, this book should be on the shelf of every London classroom.” Sarah, Oscar aged 6 and Stanley, 3

Tidy Books’ parent panel reviews Errol’s Garden by Gillian Hibbs, Child’s Play
“Errol’s Garden is a sweet story about a young boy who lives in a city flat and has a passion for gardening. He discovers a roof terrace in his block of flats, which makes the perfect setting for a roof garden. After lots of planning and research Errol, his family and neighbours take part in transforming this concrete space into a garden that is full of life. The communal effort brings the families and neighbours together and offers them a space to watch the seasons and plants change.
Our first home was in a flat that had a roof terrace and like Errol and his neighbours, we all got involved to make the space full of beautiful flowers, fruit trees and fruit plants. It was really special for us all to share and for the children to discover how our food grows and how to care for it. It’s a great story” Stella and Lola, aged 5

Inside Errol’s Garden by Gillian Hibbs
“We loved reading Errol’s Garden, and the mystery of the top floor. We liked the way he had a plan and made his dream come true. We enjoyed watching the community spirit come alive, the way all the neighbours got involved and helped and became friends as they grew different fruit and veg to share. We also enjoyed the lovely illustrations of all the different people being friends and having fun together. We loved Errol’s curly hair! The book has even prompted us to start growing our own fruit and veg in our garden!” Laura and Ruby Jo aged 6.
Thank you to our panel of reviewers; Stella and Lola, Laura and Ruby Jo, Sarah and Oscar and Stanley. Thank you to Child’s Play International for supplying our panel with great kid’s books to review. You can find Errol’s Garden on sale on Child’s Play’s website to add to your child’s library!